Price Input Helper Extension for OpenCart 3.x
OpenCart extension documentation
Short Description
This OpenCart modification allows e-commerce store owner to input prices with tax on product edit form. The price without tax will be automatically calculated and saved with the form.
TIP: Use this QuickFix to install your extensions without configuring FTP.
If you have already installed a previous version of Price Input Helper 2, then follow these steps:
Go to Extensions->Modifications and delete Ⓟ Price Input Helper.
Continue with installation.
Pre-Installation for OpenCart version
Replace the system/modification.xml file with the modification file you can get here:
Go to Extensions->Extension Installer
Upload the * file you purchased.
Go to Extensions->Modifications and click on Refresh button in top right corner of page.
Go to Extensions->Modulesand install Ⓟ Price Input Helper
Go to Extensions->Modulesand edit Ⓟ Price Input Helper;
Choose if you want to have automatic detection of your tax rate (based on store address) or you can enter multiplier manually (➀);
You can Enable or Disable the extension (➁).
If installation is successfull, you should see additional input fields next to standard price input fields. Use this additional field to enter your price with tax (if automatic tax rate detection is selected) or to enter your price multiplied with your multiplier.
The product price will be calculated the following way:
product-price = value-in-helper-field / detected-or-configured-multiplier
Product List and Product Page Screenshots
Product list page screenshot with additional column for price with tax.
Product Price field with helper field.
Options Price fields with helper fields.
Special price fields with helper fields.
Product Discount price field with helper field.
If you need support, click here.
Last updated